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Ideal Protein Naperville

Richard R. Fay, DC

Staying the Course

Chances are, a global pandemic was not among the challenges you expected to face when you set out on your weight and wellness journey! Yet, here we are.

For many, the closing of schools and work has uprooted daily routines and household dynamics. Managing home-schooling, work and “social distancing” has introduced a whole new level of stress – add to that a 24-hour news cycle, and one can quickly feel out of control. This loss of control may open the door to sabotaging thoughts or even cravings intended to lure you off protocol and back on to sugar, but don’t fall for it!

The good news is, there is so much we can control right now! And staying the course to your health and wellness goals is one of them. Another is staying in control over what we eat. Perhaps you feel as though this control is slipping, especially if you are an emotional or “stress” eater. Or perhaps you’ve already fallen off protocol and are struggling to get back on. Regardless of where you are, now is the perfect time to get back on protocol and stay on track!

3 Simple Steps to Help Get You Back on Track At This Time:

1.) Recommit to your WHY. Remember what brought you to your deciding moment. Remember Dr. Tran’s words: “It takes courage to finally make the right decision, which is to make a big sacrifice in order to change one’s life.”

2.) Don’t dwell on prior slip-ups. Negative self-talk is incredibly sabotaging and it’s also unfair. Many (if not most!) of our eating decisions are chemically driven despite best intentions. So be kind to yourself. Remember Dr. Tran’s words: “It takes courage for each of us to finally live with ourselves, rather than against ourselves.”

3.) Recommit to the protocol: If coming in isn’t practical just call, we’re here for you.

3 Simple Steps to Help Keep You on Track At This Time:

1.) Create a daily Schedule: Redefine normalcy in your household by creating a daily schedule that not only includes times for meals and e-learning (kids) and working hours, but for fresh air, “movement” and self-care.

2.) Meal Planning & Preparing: While we may not have control over many aspects of this pandemic, there is still plenty that we can control and among them is meal planning. Create weekly menus that incorporate your needs on protocol with your family’s needs. Focus most on whole protein sources and storage options (freezing or canned). If you have to buy meat, fish or poultry in bulk, pre-portion each meal separately and repackage into Ziploc bags. If your local grocer is running low on frozen vegetables, freezing fresh vegetables a fantastic option that many may not realize. For best results in retaining color, texture and flavor, drop prepped vegetables into a pot of boiling water for 3 minutes, immediately transfer to an ice bath for another 3 minutes and allow to dry thoroughly before freezing.

3.) Stay connected, give us a call at (331) 401-5900 we are here for you .

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