1795 S Washington St. Suite 109
Naperville, Illinois 60565
National College of Chiropractic - D.C. Degree
Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Licensed chiropractic physician - Illinois 038.004257
Certified in acupuncture
Director: DuPage Health and Physical Therapy Center, 1795 S. Washington St. Suite 109 Naperville, IL 60565
Practice of chiropractic at 1795 S. Washington St. Suite 109 Naperville, IL 60565
Practice of chiropractic at 7025 W. Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 60707
Practice of chiropractic at 357 E. Bailey Rd. Naperville, IL 60565
Adjunct Faculty, National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL (2023 to present)
Chair, Medical Disciplinary Board, Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (2016)
Vice-Chair, Medical Disciplinary Board, Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (2014- 2015)
Grader, Ethics and Boundaries Assessment Services, LLC, Greeley, Colorado (2014-present)
Consultant, Aligned Modern Health, Chicago, Illinois (2012- 2020)
Member, Medical Disciplinary Board of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (2010-2018)
Member, Illinois Carrier Advisory Committee, Medicare Part B, Chicago, IL (2008-2013)
Member, President’s Alumni Advisory Council, National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL (2008-present)
Member, Medicare Committee, Illinois Chiropractic Society (2008-present)
Member, Carrier Advisory Committee, American Chiropractic Association (2008-2013)
Adjunct Faculty, National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL (2008-2010)
Chair, Scope of Practice Committee, Illinois Chiropractic Society (2004–2007)
Board of Directors, Illinois Chiropractic Society (2003–2007)
Board of Directors, National University of Health Sciences Foundation, Lombard, IL (2003–2009)
Consultant, Provider Selection Committee, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois (2003–present)
Member, Insurance Relations Committee, Illinois Chiropractic Society (2003-present)
Chair, Political Action Committee, Illinois Chiropractic Society (2003–2007)
Treasurer, Illinois Chiropractic Society (1996-1997)
Board of Directors, Illinois Chiropractic Society (1991-1995)
Member, Capital Campaign Cabinet, National College of Chiropractic, Lombard, IL (1991-1993)
Advisor, Chicago Chiropractic Society (1991-1999)
Chair, Hospital Committee, Illinois Chiropractic Society (1990-2006)
President, Chicago Chiropractic Society (1990-1991)
Coordinator, Chiropractic Out-Patient Center, Belmont Community Hospital, Chicago, IL (1988-1994)
First Vice-President, Chicago Chiropractic Society (1988-1989)
Member, Credentialing Committee, Belmont Community Hospital, Chicago, IL (1987-1994)
Chair, Chiropractic Quality Assurance Committee, Belmont Community Hospital, Chicago, IL (1987-1994)
Vice-Chair, Chiropractic Department, Belmont Community Hospital, Chicago, IL (1987-1994)
Member, Federation of Medical Licensing Boards
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Member, Illinois Chiropractic Society
Member, National University of Health Sciences Alumni Association
President’s Award – National University of Health Sciences (2013)
Chiropractic Physician of the Year - Illinois Chiropractic Society (2009)
Presidential Award - Illinois Chiropractic Society (1997)
Chiropractic Physician of the Year - Chicago Chiropractic Society (1993)
Presidential Citation Award - National College of Chiropractic (1993)
Certificate of Appreciation - Chicago Chiropractic Society (1990)
Outstanding Service Award - Chicago Chiropractic Society (1988)
“Chiropractic Procedures, Techniques and Documentation”- Special Investigations Department of Blue Cross Blue Shield IL, Chicago, IL (2013)
“The Safety of Chiropractic Care” Medical Disciplinary Board of the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, Chicago, IL (2011)
“The Future of the Chiropractic Scope of Practice in Illinois” – Illinois Chiropractic Society, Springfield, IL (2008)
“Chiropractic and the injured worker” –Gallagher Bassett Worker Compensation Claims Department, Rolling Meadows, IL (1999)
“Chiropractic practice”- National College of Chiropractic student assembly, Lombard, IL (1992)
“Importance of involvement in your state chiropractic association”- National College of Chiropractic, Lombard IL (1990)
“Chiropractic education and scope of practice”-Credentialing Committee Belmont Community Hospital, Chicago, IL (1988)
“ ‘Physician’ ‘Medicine’ Words that shaped the history of chiropractic in Illinois” Journal of the Illinois Chiropractic Society (2013).
Clinical indications and contraindications for thoracic spine manipulation. The safety of spinal manipulative therapy in children under 10 years. Illinois Chiropractic Society 2023.
Assessments to predict, prevent and reduce chronic pain. Functional movement assessments. Nutritional and dietary considerations, as well as postural changes and biomechanical support. Illinois Chiropractic Society 2023.
Advances in Urology: Current treatments of benign urologic conditions - including the management of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and sexual dysfunction. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Opioid Crisis: Statistics on the opioid crisis gripping the USA including opioids, leading causes of death in the US, recent studies, and alternative solutions. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Multiple Sclerosis: signs, symptoms, diagnosis and current treatment options. Invisible symptoms, clinically isolated syndrome, radiological isolated syndrome. Conditions that mimic multiple sclerosis. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Maximizing Immunity: Latest developments for improving immunity. the crucial role of the gut in immunity, nutritional support for autoimmune conditions. Current research on brain health, Alzheimer's disease, SIBO, and the clinical problem of long COVID. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Ergonomics: Principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022.
Advancements in the Treatment of Obsructive Sleep Apnea: Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) Therapy
Diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the latest treatments of the condition. Consequences of untreated OSA. Witnessed versus home sleep study. CPAP and minimally invasive alternatives to CPAP. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Multiple Sclerosis: Emerging trends and treatment options: Emerging trends and treatment options for multiple sclerosis. Pathophysiology and epidemiology -changing insights-what’s not MS, Presenting symptoms and signs, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis, disease modifying treatment and symptomatic treatment. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Pathoanatomy of the Knee-A Chiropractic Approach: the most prevalent causes of pain, disease, degeneration, and corrective measures as they relate to the knee including the evaluation and treatment of the active patient. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
The Intrinsic Foot Muscle: Diagnosis and management of common foot conditions and disorders seen in your patients due to a weak foot floor. Common adult clinical presentations including plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain, pes planus, and foot drop. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Chronic Inflammation as Part of Musculoskeletal Complaints: Addresses the pain complaints that many patients present with from a biomechanical and physiological perspective, chronic inflammation and how it may prolong or delay the response to care, the most common biomechanical and postural imbalances as well as the causes of chronic inflammation, quantify the inflammatory response to provide effective treatment options. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Alzheimer's and Dementia Training: how to appropriately recognize, communicate, and provide care for this patient population. Illinois law now requires licensed professionals, including physicians licensed under the Medical Practice Act, to complete at least one hour of continuing education in Alzheimer's or other dementia training each licensure period. The Illinois Chiropractic Society is an approved sponsor for continuing education for licensees under the Medical Practice Act. Therefore, this class satisfies the requirement for Alzheimer's and Dementia training for Illinois Medical Practice Act licensees. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training: Illinois law requires licensed professionals, including physicians licensed under the Medical Practice Act, to complete at least one hour of continuing education in sexual harassment prevention training each licensure period. This course meets the Illinois requirements for sexual harassment prevention training. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Top 5 Common Hand and Wrist Injuries in Athletes: current research, and treatment protocols recognized as best practices in sports medicine. Assessment and treatment concepts that can improve clinical effectiveness. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Implicit Bias Awareness: the difference between implicit and explicit bias, how implicit biases are formed, the effect these biases have in our community, and how they can affect the quality of care. This course meets Illinois' requirements for implicit bias awareness training. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022
Advancements in Lung Cancer Screening: lung cancer screening, including eligibility, risks, and benefits, identify and educate patients that are eligible for lung cancer screening. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2022.
Chiropractic Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain. Sensorimotor function and dizziness in neck pain: implications for assessment and management. Review of the impact of manipulation on postural sway characteristics and abnormal movement patterns. -Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
The dynamics of fascia through the five primary kinetic chains and understanding how there can be a directional and relational influence on the origination and treatment of foot drop. -Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
Kinetics of locomotion for performance of the athlete. Movement patterns of the athlete including the kinetic chain and fault patterns that lead to injury and corrections needed to achieve optimal performance. Performing movement, gait, and functional evaluation of the athlete. -Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
MRI review of the disc nomenclature in regards to a disc bulge protrusion and extrusion and its effects on the nerve roots. -Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
Clinical Recognition and Treatment of Skin Cancer: The importance of understanding different types of skin cancer. Identification of types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma and preventative measures to the disease. - Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
Overview of Bell’s Palsy: History, epidemiology and etiology. Evaluation, treatment, prognosis and complications. - Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
Contemporary Outpatient Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Replacements: Hip Injections, hip arthroscopy, labral repair and femoroacetabular impingement, hip resurfacing, muscle sparing total hip replacement, outpatient THA, revision hip replacements. Knee Injections, knee arthroscopy, partial knee replacements, custom patient specific total knee replacement and revision total knee replacements. - Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2021.
MRI Nomenclature and Classification of Disc Pathology. Identifying differences between disc bulge, protrusion and herniation. Pfirrmann classification of intervertebral disc, Identifying normal aging process or traumatic changes, Clinical significance of Facet articulations as spinal pain generator. -Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020.
MRI of the Knee. Anatomy, common conditions including meniscal tears, ACL/PCL injuries, collateral ligament injuries and bone contusion/ microfractures. – Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020.
Ethics and Boundaries grader training and calibrations to satisfy certificate of training. - Ethics and Boundaries Assessment Services LLC, Greeley, Colorado, 2020.
MRI of the Shoulder. Anatomy, variations in anatomical configurations, and impingement of the rotator cuff. The acromion as primary source of impingement, osteophytic lipping, or tear of the supraspinatus tendon. Uncommon causes of rotator cuff lesions. Partial thickness, full thickness and complete tears. Identifying Slap lesions and Bankart lesions. – Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020
Diagnosing and Case Management, The requirements for diagnosing based upon an initial evaluation and management encounter ranging from a 99202 – 99205 that includes comorbidities, non- musculoskeletal, and sequellae to injury diagnosis. Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Cleveland University – Kansas City, Long Island, NY ,2020.
Diagnosing and Case Management, The requirements for diagnosing imaging inclusive of static x-rays, biomechanical X-rays, and MRI. Documenting the clinical findings of disc bulge, herniation, protrusion, extrusion, and fragmentation. Coding, diagnosing, and documenting individual treatment encounters in the clinical setting. Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Cleveland University – Kansas City, Long Island, NY ,2020.
Cardiovascular Disease and Women. Identifying risk factors in both the general population as well as the sex-specific risk factors for cardiovascular disease primarily focusing on heart health for women. Differentiate the clinical presentation of various forms of heart disease in women and discuss the most effective and appropriate lifestyle interventions. Heart health mortality trends and perspectives on the leading causes of death in the woman population.Lifestyle modification and its impact on heart health both as an intervention as well as prevention. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020.
The critical roles of the TMJ and the cervical spine. Dysfunction between temporal bone and mandible. Intra/ Extra articular causes, signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder. Diagnosing and treatment options and protocols. – Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020
Overview of Acute and Chronic Pain Management in the Current Medical Climate. Review of the opioid crisis. Pain intervention including epidural steroid injection, facet injections, radiofrequency ablations and sympathetic blocks. – IL Chiropractic Society 2020.
HIPAA during COVID-19. Procedures, methods and processes to keep protected health information (PHI) protected and where it’s needed during a health crisis. Governmental emergency measures to manage the crisis. – Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020
Foot Abnormalities and Injuries. Various case studies on common normal variances, congenital anomalies and trauma. Diagnostic testing, appropriate treatment and referral. – IL Chiropractic Society 2020.
Telehealth Rules and Protocols. Telehealth laws, requirements, security and HIPAA compliance.-Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020.
Treating the over trained youth athlete. Identifying the ten most common injury diagnoses by type of exposure. Body site of injury by type of exposure. Methods of injury, evaluation and assessment. Treatment methods identifying prime movers and synergists. - Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020
Nutritional Therapies and their role in chronic inflammatory disease. Boswellia and turmeric synergy. The endocannabinoid system essential function in the human body restoring homeostasis, herbal analgesics- Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2020
MRI Interpretation of Degenerative Spine and Disc Disease with Overlapping Traumatic Insult to Both Spine and Disc, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of degenerative spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis, Modic type 3 changes, central herniations, extrusions, compressions, nerve root compressions, advanced spurring and thecal sac involvement from an orthopedic, emergency room, chiropractic, neurological, neurosurgical, physical medicine perspective. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Interpretation of Cervical Herniations, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of lumbar herniations. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations, morphology of lumbar disc pathologies of central and lateral herniations, protrusions, extrusions, sequestration, focal and broad based herniations are defined and illustrated. Spinal cord and canal compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Interpretation of Cervical Degeneration/Bulges, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of cervical degeneration. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Spinal cord and canal compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Interpretation of Lumbar Herniations, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of lumbar herniations. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Morphology of lumbar disc pathologies of central and lateral herniations, protrusions, extrusions, sequestration, focal and broad based herniations are defined and illustrated. Central canal and cauda equine compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Interpretation of Lumbar Degeneration/Bulges, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images in the interpretation of lumbar degeneration. With the co-morbidities and complications of stenosis, pseudo-protrusions, cantilevered vertebrate, Schmorl’s nodes and herniations. Central canal and cauda equina compromise interpretation with management. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Lumbar MRI and assorted signal changes in the lumbar spine, bone marrow manifests numerous systemic diseases. Bone marrow abnormality with and without disc involvement and vertebral body fractures. Modic changes, spondylodiscitis versus degenerative change, Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
MRI Protocols Clinical Necessity, MRI slices, views, T1, T2, STIR axial, stacking, FFE, FSE and sagittal images. Clinical indication of the utilization of MRI and pathologies of disc in both trauma and non-trauma sequelae, including bulge, herniation, protrusion, extrusion and sequestration. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Clinical Application, The clinical application of the results of space occupying lesions. Disc and tumor pathologies and the clinical indications of manual and adjustive therapies in the patient with spinal nerve root and spinal cord insult as sequalae. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Advanced Treatments for Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions. History and evaluation for identifying risk factors and comorbidities. Assessing the neuromusculoskeletal system from brain stem, spinal pathways, as well as the motor and sensory components. Maggs Law of Tissue Tolerance and the Phases of Musculoskeletal Injury, Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
MRI Methodology of Analysis, MRI interpretation sequencing of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine inclusive of T1, T2, STIR and 3D gradient studies to ensure the accurate diagnosis of the region visualized. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Disc Pathology, MRI interpretation of bone, intradural, extradural, cord and neural sleeve lesions. Tuberculosis, drop lesions, metastasis, ependymoma, schwannoma and numerous other spinal related tumors and lesions. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Disc Pathology and Spinal Stenosis, MRI interpretation of bulged, herniated, protruded, extruded, sequestered and fragmented disc pathologies in etiology and neurological sequelae in relationship to the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI Spinal Anatomy and Protocols, Normal anatomy of axial and sagittal views utilizing T1, T2, 3D gradient and STIR sequences of imaging. Standardized and desired protocols in views and sequencing of MRI examination to create an accurate diagnosis in MRI. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School or Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
MRI History and Physics, Magnetic fields, T1 and T2 relaxations, nuclear spins, phase encoding, spin echo, T1 and T2 contrast, magnetic properties of metals and the historical perspective of the creation of NMR and MRI. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion, Differentially diagnosing mild traumatic brain injury vs. traumatic brain injury and the clinical and imaging protocols required to conclude an accurate diagnosis for head trauma. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Mechanism of Injury in Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration, Measuring and documenting instability and the sequelae of ligament injuries. Documentation of proximate cause, pre-existing conditions and permanency of injuries, Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Impairment Rating, The understanding and utilization of the protocols and parameters of the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition, Spine, neurological sequelae, migraine, sexual dysfunction, sleep and arousal disorders, station and gait disorders and consciousness are detailed for impairment rating. Herniated discs, radiculopathy, fracture, dislocation and functional loss are also detailed in relation to impairment ratings. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Documenting Clinically Correlated Bodily Injury to Causality, Understanding the necessity for accurate documentation, diagnosis and clinical correlation to the injury when reporting injuries in the medical-legal community. Documenting the kinesiopathology, myopathology, neuropathology, and pathophysiology in both a functional and structural paradigm. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Documentation and Reporting for the Trauma Victim, Understanding the necessity for accurate documentation and diagnosis utilizing ICD and CPT to accurately describe the injury through diagnosis. Understanding and utilizing state regulations on reimbursement issues pertaining to healthcare. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Neurodiagnostic Testing Protocols, Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Patient, Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV), Somato Sensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), Visual Evoked Potential (VEP), Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAER) and Visual-Electronystagmosgraphy (V-ENG) interpretation, protocols and clinical indications for the trauma patient. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Temporomandibular joint disorder and its postural connection, Association between cervical spine, orofacial structures and cranial facial pain. Testing and identifying the upper crossed syndrome posture, treatment methods and prognosis. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
MRI, Bone Scan and X-Ray Protocols, Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Patient, MRI Interpretation, physiology, history and clinical indications, bone scan interpretation, physiology and clinical indications, x-ray clinical indications for the trauma patient. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Crash Dynamics and Its Relationship to Causality, An extensive understanding of the physics involved in the transference of energy from the bullet car to the target car. This includes G’s of force, newtons, gravity, energy, skid marks, crumple zones, spring factors, event data recorder and the graphing of the movement of the vehicle before, during and after the crash. Determining the clinical correlation of forces and bodily injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
The Chiropractic Solution to the Opioid Crisis, The chiropractic solution to the opioid crisis and the alternative healthcare options to help deal with the opioid crisis. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Medical-Legal-Insurance Documentation, Accurate and compliant documentation of history and clinical findings inclusive of functional losses, loss of activities of daily living, duties under duress and permanent loss of enjoyment of life. Prognosing static vs. stable care, gaps in care both in the onset and in the middle of passive care with a focus on detailed diagnosing. The integration of chiropractic academia, the court system and the insurance reimburser’s requirements for complete documentation. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Diagnostics, Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation and Triaging the Trauma Patient, An extensive understanding of the injured with clinically coordinating the history, physical findings and when to integrate neurodiagnostics. An understanding on how to utilize emergency room records in creating an accurate diagnosis and the significance of “risk factors” in spinal injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Neurodiagnostics, Imaging Protocols and Pathology of the Trauma Patient, An in-depth understanding of the protocols in triaging and reporting the clinical findings of the trauma patient. Maintaining ethical relationships with medical-legal community. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Case Study Reviews: Lumbar Spine X-ray Findings, Identify patient presentation (age, sign, physical exam) with abdominal aortic aneurysm; identify spondylosis deformans and intervertebral osteochondrosis, as well as their significance; and identify Bertolotti’s syndrome. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Triage and Connective Tissue Injuries and Wound Repair, Triaging the injured and differentially diagnosing both the primary and secondary complaints. Connective tissue injuries and wound repair morphology focusing on the aberrant tissue replacement and permanency prognosis potential. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Ligament Anatomy and Injury Research and Spinal Kinematics, Spinal ligamentous anatomy and research focusing on wound repair, future negative sequelae of abnormal tissue replacement and the resultant aberrant kinematics and spinal biomechanics of the spine. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Spinal Biomechanics, Central Nervous System and Spinal Disc Nomenclature, The application of spinal biomechanical engineering models in trauma and the negative sequelae it has on the central nervous system inclusive of the lateral horn, periaqueductal grey matter, thalamus and cortices involvement. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Biomechanics of Traumatic Disc Bulge and Age Dating Herniated Disc Pathology, The biomechanics of traumatic disc bulges as sequelae from trauma and the comorbidity of ligamentous pathology. Age-dating spinal disc pathology in accordance with Wolff’s Law. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Clinical Grand Rounds, The review of case histories of mechanical spine pathology and biomechanical failures inclusive of case histories, clinical findings, and x-ray and advanced imaging studies. Assessing comorbidities in the triage and prognosis of the injured. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Trauma Pathology, Research Perspectives, The review of current literature standards in spinal trauma pathology and documentation review of biomechanical failure and age-dating disc pathology. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Case Study Reviews: Lumbar Spine Disc Disease and Nomenclature, Case studies to identify normal disc anatomy, visualize disc desiccation and understand annular fissuring, while being able to identify a disc bulging or herniated. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Cartesian System, The Cartesian Coordinate System from the history to the application in the human body. Explanation of the x, y, and z axes in both translation and rotations (thetas) and how they are applicable to human biomechanics. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Tech Neck Syndrome Treatment Through Chiropractic, Identifying the signs and symptoms of tech neck, including the damaging effects of forward head posture. Performing a proper assessment and developing appropriate treatment options. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Cervical Pathobiomechanics, Spinal biomechanical engineering of the cervical and upper thoracic spine. This includes the normal and pathobiomechanical movement of both the anterior and posterior motor units and normal function and relationship of the intrinsic musculature to those motor units. Nomenclature in reporting normal and pathobiomechanical findings of the spine. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Lumbar Pathobiomechanics, Spinal biomechanical engineering of the lumbar spine. This includes the normal and pathobiomechanical movement of both the anterior and posterior motor units and normal function and relationship of the intrinsic musculature to those motor units. Nomenclature in reporting normal and pathobiomechanical findings of the spine. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Biomechanics in Trauma, To utilize whiplash associated disorders in various vectors of impact and whiplash mechanisms in determining pathobiomechanics. To clinically correlate annular tears, disc herniations, fractures, ligament pathology and spinal segmental instability as sequellae to pathobiomechanics from trauma. The utilization of digital motion x-ray in diagnosing normal versus abnormal facet motion along with case studies to understand the clinical application. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering & Organizational Analysis, Integrating spinal biomechanics and pathobiomechanics through digitized analysis. The comparison of organized versus disorganized compensation with regional and global compensation. Correlation of the vestibular, ocular and proprioceptive neurological integration in the righting reflex as evidenced in imaging. Digital and numerical algorithm in analyzing a spine. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Current Evidence-based Scoliosis Examination and Documentation. Guidelines for orthopedic and rehabilitation treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth. Current bracing challenges for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Cervical Digital Analysis, Digitizing and analyzing the cervical spine in neutral, flexion and extension views to diagnose pathobiomechanics. This includes alteration of motion segment integrity (AMOSI) in both angular and translational movement. Ligament instability/failure/pathology are identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies to analyze pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Lumbar Digital Analysis, Digitizing and analyzing the lumbar spine images to diagnose pathobiomechanics. This includes anterior and posterior vertebral body elements in rotational analysis with neutral, left and right lateral bending in conjunction with gait analysis. Ligament instability/failure/pathology is identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies for analysis of pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm along with corrective guidelines. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering: Full Spine Digital Analysis, Digitalizing and analyzing the full spine images to diagnose pathobiomechanics as sequellae to trauma in relation to ligamentous failure and disc and vertebral pathology as sequellae. This includes anterior and posterior vertebral body elements in rotational analysis with neutral, left and right lateral bending in conjunction with gate analysis. Ligament instability/failure/pathology is identified all using numerical values and models. Review of case studies for analysis of pathobiomechanics using a computerized/numerical algorithm along with corrective guidelines. Cleveland University Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Accident Reconstruction: Research, Causality and Bodily Injury, Delta V Issues correlated to injury and mortality, side impact crashes and severity of injuries, event data recorder reports correlated to injury, frontal impact kinematics, crash injury metrics with many variables and inquires related to head restraints. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Accident Reconstruction: Terms, Concepts and Definitions, The forces in physics that prevail in accidents to cause bodily injury. Quantifying the force coefficients of vehicle mass and force vectors that can be translated to the occupant and subsequently cause serious injury. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Accident Reconstruction: Causality, Bodily Injury, Negative Acceleration Forces, Crumple Zones and Critical Documentation, Factors that cause negative acceleration to zero and the subsequent forces created for the vehicle that get translated to the occupant. Understanding critical documentation of hospitals, ambulance reports, doctors and the legal profession in reconstructing an accident. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Accident Reconstruction: Skid Marks, Time, Distance, Velocity, Speed Formulas and Road Surfaces, The mathematical calculations necessary utilizing time, distance, speed, coefficients of friction and acceleration in reconstructing an accident. The application of the critical documentation acquired from an accident site. Cleveland University – Kansas City, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island, NY, 2019
Clinical Evaluation and Protocols for Identifying Stroke Risk, The neurological history and examination for identifying stroke risks with a focus on supra and infratentorial regions, upper and lower motor lesions, cranial nerve signs, spinal cord pathology, motor and sensory pathology and gait abnormalities. Examining genetic and family histories along with dissection risk factors. Stroke orthopedic testing and clinical guidelines pertaining to triage for the primary care provider. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Rehabilitation for the Treatment of Non Specific Low Back Pain, The functional classification of muscles; identifying predominately tonic muscles that are prone to hypertonicity. Identifying phasic muscles prone to inhibition. Instability vs. Hypermobility. Upper and lower crossed syndrome. Exercise as a treatment of chronic low back pain. Levels of lumbopelvic stabilization exercise progression. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019.
Stroke Anatomy and Physiology: Brain Vascular Anatomy, The anatomy and physiology of the brain and how blood perfusion effects brain function. A detailed analysis of the blood supply to the brain and the physiology of ischemia. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Stroke Anatomy and Physiology: Stroke Types and Blood Flow, Various types of stroke identifying ischemia, hypoperfusion, infarct and penumbra zones and emboli. Cardiac etiologies and clinical features as precursor to stroke with associated paradoxical emboli and thrombotic etiologies. Historical and co-morbidities that have etiology in stroke inclusive of diabetes, coagulopathy, acquired and hereditary deficiencies. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Stroke Principals of Treatment an Overview for the Primary Care Provider, Stroke type and treatments performed by vascular specialists. The goals of treatment with the physiology of the infarct and penumbra zones and the role of immediate triage in the primary care setting. Detailing the complications of stroke and future care in the chiropractic, primary care or manual medicine clinical setting. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, All persons who hold a professional license issued by the Division of Professional Regulation must complete a one-hour course in sexual harassment prevention training, presented by an approved continuing education sponsor (Subpart E, 68 Illinois Administrative Code 1130.400). The Illinois Chiropractic Society an approved sponsor for continuing education for licensees under the Medical Practice Act. Therefore, this class satisfies the requirement for sexual harassment prevention training for Illinois Medical Practice Act licensees. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019
Orthopedic Testing: Clinical Grand Rounds, how to integrate orthopedic testing in the clinical setting utilizing both simple and complex patient scenarios. It includes potential stroke, or vertebrobasilar insufficient patients and understanding the nuances in a clinical evaluation with orthopedic testing as a critical part of the evaluation and screening process. How to integrate orthopedic testing in the clinical setting utilizing both simple and complex patient scenarios. It includes potential stroke, or vertebrobasilar insufficient patients and understanding the nuances in a clinical evaluation with orthopedic testing as a critical part of the evaluation and screening process. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Orthopedic Testing: Principles, Clinical Application and Triage, Integration of orthopedic testing in the clinical setting to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic testing conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Orthopedic Testing: Cervical Spine, Integration of cervical orthopedic testing in the clinical setting to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic testing conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
Orthopedic Testing: Lumbar Spine, Integration of lumbar orthopedic testing in the clinical setting to develop a differential diagnosis. Utilizing radiographic and advanced imaging inclusive of MRI and CAT scan findings to verify tissue pathology suspected by orthopedic testing conclusions and developing a treatment plan as sequelae. Cleveland University – Kansas City, ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Buffalo, NY, 2019
HIPAA Security, Assessment, and Safeguards covering: forms, policies and procedure, patient access to health care records, HIPAA security requirements, HIPAA risk assessment, administrative safeguards, physical safeguards, and technical safeguards. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2019.
Connective Tissue Pathology, Spinal Biomechanics as Sequella to Trauma, MRI Spine Interpretation, Ordering Protocols and Triaging the Injured. The latest research on the 6 ways to age-date disc herniation and bulges from trauma inclusive of disc pathology nomenclature. MRI ordering protocols, inclusive of Dixon format and fat-suppressed images. The neurology and pathology of connective tissues and the sequella of trauma at the biomechanical level leading to bio-neuro-mechanical failure. Contemporary “evidenced-based building blocks” for triaging and in a collaborative environment. Cleveland University Kansas City, Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island NY, 2018
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering Digitizing, integrating automated mensuration into creating treatment plans and determining maximum medical improvement. A literature-based study of normal vs. abnormal motor unit function. Determining ligamentous laxity, alteration of motion segment integrity and pathological stress units and whole person impairments based upon the literature and academic standards, Cleveland University Kansas City, Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island NY, 2018
Science of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment and Vertebral Subluxation, The literature-based definitions of both the mechanisms of the chiropractic adjustment and how it affects the central nervous system in pain pathways and systemic issues that is the arbiter for normal vs. abnormal function. The “physiological mechanisms” of how the chiropractic spinal adjustment affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. Subluxation degeneration/Wolff’s Law will be detailed from the literature perspective combined with the mechanism of subluxation (bio-neuro-mechanical lesion). A literature perspective why “long-term” chiropractic care is clinically indicated as usual and customary to effectuate demonstrable biomechanical changes in the spine. Cleveland University Kansas City, Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island NY, 2018
Documentation, Collaboration, and Primary Spine Care, An academic basis for documentation that is usual and customary across professions in collaborative care. Maintaining ethical medical-legal relationships based upon Voir Dire and Duabert standards with ensuring a “4-corners” inclusive report. Ensuring primary care status based upon academic standards. Cleveland University Kansas City, Chiropractic and Health Sciences, Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division, Long Island NY, 2018
Evidence-based Therapeutic Exercises - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2018.
Documentation of Therapeutic Procedures - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2018.
Essentials of Effective Scoliosis Management - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2018.
Radicular Arm Pain Causes and Management - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Digestive Evaluation and Support for the Patient - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Maintaining, Copying and Destroying Medical Records - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Evaluation and Management of the Ankle and Foot Injuries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Evaluation and Management of Hip Injuries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Medicare Regulations - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Management and Treatment of Shoulder Injuries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Low Back Pain Classification Systems - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Personal Injury, Record Keeping, Coding, Compliance and Documentation - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Twelve Steps of Functional Health Recovery - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2017.
Mandatory Reporting for Illinois Physicians - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Assessment and Treatment of the Shoulder - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Chiropractic Ethics-Duty to Patients - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Altered Biomechanics and Imaging - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Evidence-based Practice - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
The Rehab Paradigm in Sports Medicine - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Defining Chiropractic Scope in Illinois - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2016.
Evaluation and Treatment of Common Hip, Pelvic and Low Back Injuries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2014.
Federally Funded Chiropractic research into Spinal Manipulation Procedures – National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2014.
Proper Nutrition and Rehab Protocols for Lumbar Disc Injuries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2013.
Biomechanics of the Golf Swing - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2013.
HIPAA Compliance - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2013.
Spinal Disc Pathology Protocols for Evaluation and Management - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2013.
The Mind-Gut Connection and Its Application in Primary Care - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2013.
Ethics: Building Trust and Professionalism - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2013.
Whole Body Clinical Care - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Common Conditions Affecting the Cervical Spine - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Evidence-based Examination and Documentation - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Documentation and Compliance – Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Electronic Health Records and Demonstration Meaningful Use - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Evaluation of the Injured Worker - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
DME Care Plans and Documentation - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2012.
Improving Documentation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2012.
Pain and Clinical Practice - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2012.
Professional Boundaries - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2011.
Pain and Inflammation in a Difficult Patient: Dietary and Nutritional Protocols - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2011.
The Neurological Examination - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2010.
Chiropractic and Stroke - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2010.
Record Keeping and Documentation - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2010.
The Systemic Effects of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction and Nutritional Considerations: Headaches, Head Trauma, Vertigo, and VAS - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2010.
Patient Centered Case Management - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2009.
Assessment and Management of Soft Tissue Disorders - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2008.
Integrative Care in Sports and Rehabilitation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2008.
Models of Integrative Care in Chiropractic - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2008.
Natural Alternatives to Prescription Drug Uses – Texas Chiropractic College 2006.
Surgical Case Management Lumbar Spine - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2006.
Documentation, Evaluation and Management of the Injured Worker - Illinois Chiropractic Society 2006.
Modern Diagnostic Imaging: Arthritic disorders and associated connective tissue disorders including distinctive radiographic characteristics and associated clinical presentations of the basic categories of joint disease. Traumatic conditions are presented with special emphasis on the musculoskeletal system, both spine and extremity. Focus on the different types of advance imaging, their uses and limitations, as well as, clinical decision making regarding proper indications to order advanced imaging - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2004.
Physical Therapy Modalities Indication and Application - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2003.
Neuro Diagnostic Testing Including EMG/NCV Indications and Interpretation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2002.
Laboratory Examination Indications for Testing and Interpretation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2002.
Neurological Examination and Clinical Evaluation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2002.
Evaluation of the Head and Spine - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2002.
Utilization Review and Quality Assurance of the Chiropractic Practice - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2001.
Physio-ball Rehabilitation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2001.
Gastroenterology in Primary Care - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2001.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 2000.
Active Care/Prevention Treatment of Industrial Injuries – National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2000.
Documentation - National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 2000.
McKenzie Cervical and Thoracic Spine Protocols – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1999.
Rehabilitation Protocols for Specific Spine Pathologies and Conditions – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1999.
Functional Assessment of the Low Back and EMG – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
The Bio-Psycho-Social Approach for Chronic Pain Syndromes – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Integrated Evaluation of Neuromusculoskeletal System – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Exercise Science and Strength Training in Functional System Restoration – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Post-Isometric Relaxation Techniques for Spinal Joints – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Muscle Stretching – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Lumbo-Pelvic and Cervico-Thoracic Stabilization – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Objective Measurement/Disability Measurement – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1998.
Spine Research Institute of San Diego Scientific Conference, A Review of the entire year of scientific research and publication from the diverse fields of clinical medicine and automotive safety engineering. Spine Research Institute of San Diego California 1998.
Whiplash Injury Biomechanics and Traumatology – Medicolegal fundamentals for practitioners and forensic experts, including reporting, records keeping, medical photography, depositions, arbitrations, testifying in court, using evidence, medicolegal rebuttal, Daubert and Frye, motions. Spine Research Institute of San Diego California 1998.
Whiplash Injury Biomechanics and Traumatology – Principles of impairment rating and forensic reporting including intake forms, SOAP notes, re-examinations and supplemental reports, the narrative report disability questionnaires, independent medical examinations Spine Research Institute of San Diego, California 1998.
Whiplash Injury Biomechanics and Traumatology – Management principles in personal injury and forensic documentation including accident reconstruction, history taking, physical examination, radiographic, CT and MRI examination, and electro diagnostics. Designing a treatment plan, activities of daily living, and maximum medical improvement (MMI) Spine Research Institute of San Diego, California 1998.
Whiplash Injury Biomechanics and Traumatology – Whiplash advanced topics including basic and special concepts of biomechanics, injury impairment scales, brain, neck and cervical spine trauma mechanisms from motor vehicle crashes. Review of common muscle and joint syndromes, disorders, and criteria for referral and advanced imaging Spine Research Institute of San Diego, California 1998.
Sensory, Motor, and Spinal Stabilization Training – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Rehabilitation Protocols and Guidelines and Janda’s Evaluation and Treatment of Key Muscle Imbalances – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Functional Restoration Techniques for Small Private Practice - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Repetitive Strain Disorder - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Pathokinesiology and Chain Reactions in the Motor System - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Documentation Record Keeping – Illinois Chiropractic Society 1997.
Nutritional Considerations in Rehabilitation/Pain Management - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Work (Functional) Capacity Evaluation - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Orofacial and TMJ Rehabilitation - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1997.
Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation and Patient Education - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
The Integration of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) for Treatment of Lower Quadrant - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
The Integration of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) for Treatment of Upper Quadrant - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Manipulative Therapy for Key Transitional Joints of the Spine and Upper Quarter - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Active Release Technique Upper Extremity – Philadelphia, PA 1996.
Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist (Repetitive Strain/Disorder) - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Cervical Spine and Whiplash - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Cervical Spine and Upper Quarter Screen - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Rehabilitation Protocols for Specific Spine Pathologies and Conditions - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Risk Management – Illinois Chiropractic Society 1996.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment – Illinois Chiropractic Society 1996.
McKenzie Protocols for the Lumbar Spine/Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
The Foot and The Spine: A Functional Perspective on Closed Chain Kinematic – Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1996.
Rehabilitation of Common Athletic Injuries - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1995.
Functional Objective Testing Trunk Performance - Los Angeles University of Health Science. Chicago, IL 1995.
A Chiropractic Family Practice – National University of Health Science. Lombard, IL 1995.
Identifying the balance link when managing concussion patients: Postural control deficits identify lingering post-concussion neurological deficits. Postural Stability testing for objectively assessing the motor domain of neurologic functioning. Balance error scoring system test (BESS) and concussion recognition tools. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Understanding Workers Compensation in the Chiropractic Practice Under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act: Documentation requirements, establishing medical necessity for care, clinical rationale for each service, evidence-based functional measures, disability and impairment. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
The EOS System with Clinical Case Studies: Standardized imaging, standardized acquisition protocol, global assessment, functional and conventional exams giving orthopedic versatility, quantified global alignment and assessment and minimized radiation exposure. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Understanding ODG to Better Document Workers' Compensation Injuries: The Official Disability Guidelines(ODG) Medical Treatment Guidelines by the Work Loss Data Institute (WLDI). Components of evidence-based practice/ functional measures to assess the end results of care. Documentation requirements to establish medical necessity. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
The EOS System with Clinical Case Studies: Standardized imaging, standardized acquisition protocol, global assessment, functional and conventional exams giving orthopedic versatility, quantified global alignment and assessment and minimized radiation exposure. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Improving Therapeutic Outcomes using the Whole Turmeric Root-Not Just Curcumin: Best way to absorb polyphenols(curcumin) is through the whole plant (complete matrix) form. Delivery systems(liposomes, phytosomes) send isolated curcumin directly into the bloodstream where it is rapidly conjugated and eliminated from the body. Curcumin most effective when it interacts with the gut microbiome. Curcumin enhances gut microbial diversity and composition. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Pathological Insufficiency and Stress Fractures: Diagnose and differentiate insufficiency fractures, stress fractures and pathological fractures. Common etiologies, locations and radiographic findings. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Lost Vagus Nerve Function - Stress Balancing and Brain-Gut Wellness: Various stressors, including the stress induced by posture and gravity, can lead to a series of imbalances in the autonomic nervous system. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Serving as an expert witness: Is there a duty? Importance of expert testimony necessary for a court or an administrative agency to understand the patient's condition, treatment, and prognosis. Participate in self-regulation, define and organize the educational and standard-setting process. Professional responsibilities by physicians includes engaging in internal assessment and accepting external scrutiny of all aspects of their professional performance. Evaluate the ethical duty of physicians to provide expert witness testimony. Medscape 2024.
Beyond the scale: Obesity as a chronic disease. Prevalence, causes, diagnosis and treatment. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2024
Establishing Medical Necessity, Compliance & Documentation in an Integrated Model: Healthcare practice utilizing a functional based model to deliver effective care. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
Implicit Bias Awareness: Managing our unconscious judgments to improve patient connections and experiences. Attitudes or stereotypes that unconsciously affect actions, decisions and understanding. This course meets Illinois' requirements for implicit bias awareness training. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
X-ray and rehab: The structural fingerprint of orthopedic, biomechanics and radiological correlations Imbalances produce predictable mechanical faults leading to rehabilitative protocols. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
​Cervical Spine Trauma: case studies dealing with upper and lower cervical spine trauma and clinical considerations for patient care. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Rehab Principles for the Lower Extremity of the Athlete: the movement patterns of the athlete and the rehabilitation protocols that most closely correlate with those movement patterns. The kinetic chain, the fault patterns that lead to injury, and the corrections to achieve optimal performance for the athlete. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023.
Migraines and headaches- a nutritional and functional medicine approach: 4 main classifications of headaches and the hormonal, nutritional, environmental, musculoskeletal and biomechanical causes, defects in mitochondrial energy production and increases in oxidative stress, dehydration, hormonal effects, food sensitivities and the gut-brain connection, dietary and nutritional challenges and approaches. National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL. 2023
Spondylolysis in the Athlete: history, presentation and mechanism of injury. active, inactive and pending pars defects and appropriate treatment plans. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
Sleep apnea and cardiac implications: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)-obstructive sleep apnea,central sleep apnea, nocturnal hypoventilation, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, increased risk factors, role of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and cardiovascular disease, methods of sleep apnea treatment, positive airway pressure (CPAP/APAP/BIPAP). Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
Strategies to initiate the positive impact of gut health on the musculoskeletal system: effect on gliadin on intestinal permeability, gi and extra-intestinal manifestations of NCGS, potential molecular mechanisms implicated in chemical-induced autoimmune reactivities, diet and lifestyle contribute to inflammation, relationship between gut microbiota and osteoarthritis development, mechanism of probiotic effects on the central nervous system. National University of Health Sciences Lombard, IL. 2023
Assess intestinal and blood-brain dysfunctions: triggers of increased gut permeability, disturbances of the brain-gut-microbiota axis in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's and autism, link between defective epithelial barriers and chronic diseases, functional microglia activity, dietary and nutritional repair of the blood -brain barrier. National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL. 2023
Photobiomodulation and the use of light resulting in beneficial therapeutic outcomes, mechanism of action for pain control and nerve and tissue healing. Illinois Chiropractic Society, 2023
Electro diagnostic testing: identifying spinal or peripheral causation,musculoskeletal related or systemic. Peripheral Nerve entrapment mononeuropathy: CTS, Ulnar at elbow, Ulnar at Canal of Guyon, Deep Peroneal at Fibular Head or Anterior Tarsal Tunnel area; Tarsal Tunnel. Spinal Radiculopathy: Lumbar or Cervical. Plexopathy: Brachial, Lumbar, Lumbar Sacral. Polyneuropathy. Illinois Chiropractic Society 2023.